Sunday, May 19, 2013

5/18/18. Oregon is synonymous with rain

It rained the entire day. We only did 39 miles to reach our next desired hiker/biker camping spot that was supposed to have a hot shower at Cape Overlook State Park. We were wet when we arrived.  Standing around in  wet clothes just got us quite cold.  Unfortunately the showers at this facility had s push button control that would only work for one and a half minutes. Pressing it a second time got another one and a half minutes . I was already soaped up and pushing the button a third time produced absolutely no response . I covered myself up with my miniature camping towel as best as I could ( having to decide which exposed parts would be least offensive) and I  snuck outdoors and went next door in into the next shower room to wash the soap off. Needless to say I miss my shower at home!

We missed an opportunity to pick up any dinner supplies or breakfast supplies prior to coming to this more remote camping site.  Earlier in the day Joy had sent me a picture of a wonderful dinner plate loaded with scrumptious looking food. Her question was what was  I going to have for dinner tonight?  She has very interesting timing. Not having any real food my dinner was trail mix!  Of course presentation is everything.  See the photo below. 

The weather forecast for tomorrow is 60 degrees and sunny. However, in Oregon, I have come to learn that means rain. 

Thank you for all your prayers. We have remained healthy and uninjured.  God is good.  With all the rain it has been a character building experience.  If  somebody out there could pray to the Sun God that would be appreciated too!

1 comment:

  1. We LOVE the Tillamook cheese factory! Wish you were coming through Lewiston, ID!
